Electric Vehicle Automotive Aerodynamic On-Car Pressure Scanning
Our latest Application note covers the importance of aerodynamic on-car testing in the Electric Vehicle industry. “A key factor in determining the performance and distance capability of a new EV road car is in understanding its aerodynamic performance. This has a huge effect on its vehicle dynamics and ultimately on its “All Electric Range” that […]
New Pressure Scanner Launches with World First Features
A new digital pressure scanner launched by US manufacturer, Scanivalve Corporation, is set to delight engineers with a number of staggering new features. After two years in development, Scanivalve’s talented engineers have broken new ground with the DSA5000 as it delivers a number of world firsts. Uniquely, the DSA5000 utilises an individual 24-bit A/D converter […]
Research Intern Begins Wind Tunnel Project
We are delighted to be with our Research Intern, James Cleverley from the University of Southampton here at Evolution Measurement where he has started a 10-week internship in experimental aerodynamics. The project, in collaboration with the University and James’ supervisor, Professor Bharath Ganapathisubramani, involves James designing and producing a table-top wind tunnel to be used […]
EvoScann® supports Formula Student Racing Team
KA-RaceIng, the Formula Student Team of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, have been undertaking an extensive testing and validation programme for their latest Formula Student challenger car, the autonomous racecar, KIT21d. In order to fully measure and validate the performance of their front wing and analyse their wheel wake, an impressive wheel wake rake was built […]